Conceição Amado, Cláudia Nunes, Alberto Sardinha. Análise Estatística de Dados Financeiros. Edições SPE (ISBN: 978-972-8890-43-8), 2019. [Early Version] [Available Online] |
Journal Papers
João G. Ribeiro, Luis Müller Henriques, Sérgio Colcher, Julio Cesar Duarte, Francisco S. Melo, Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Alberto Sardinha. HOTSPOT: An Ad Hoc Teamwork Platform for Mixed Human-Robot Teams. PLoS One 19(6): e0305705, June 2024. [Available Online] |
Pedro P. Santos, Diogo S. Carvalho, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. The Impact of Data Distribution on Q-learning with Function Approximation. Machine Learning, Vol. 113, pp. 6141-6163, June 2024. [Available Online] |
João G. Ribeiro, Gonçalo Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. TEAMSTER: Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Ad Hoc Teamwork. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 324, 104013, November 2023. [Available Online] |
Vânia Mendonça, Ricardo Rei, Luísa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha. Onception: Active Learning with Expert Advice for Real World Machine Translation. Computational Linguistics, Vol. 49, Issue 2, pp. 325-372, June 2023. [Available Online] |
Luciana Barbosa, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Optimal price subsidies under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 303, Issue 1, pp. 471-479, November 2022. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Ana Rita Nunes, Hugo Morais, Alberto Sardinha. Use of Learning Mechanisms to Improve the Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Generators: A Review. Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 21, 7129, November 2021. [Available Online] |
Luciana Barbosa, Cláudia Nunes, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Feed-in Tariff Contract Schemes and Regulatory Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 287, Issue 1, pp. 331-347, November 2020. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Francisco Melo, Alberto Sardinha, et. al. Project INSIDE: Towards Autonomous Semi-Unstructured Human-Robot Social Interaction in Autism Therapy. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 96, pp. 198-216, May 2019. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Luciana Barbosa, Paulo Ferrão, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Feed-in Tariffs with Minimum Price Guarantees and Regulatory Uncertainty. Energy Economics, Vol. 72, pp. 517 - 541, May 2018. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Francisco Melo, Alberto Sardinha. Ad Hoc Teamwork by Learning Teammates' Task. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 175-219, Springer, March 2016. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Paulo F. Gomes, Alberto Sardinha, Elena Márquez Segura, Henriette Cramer, Ana Paiva. Migration Between Two Embodiments of an Artificial Pet. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1450001 (32 pages), World Scientific Publishing Company, 2014. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Alberto Sardinha, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Nathan Weston, Phil Greenwood, Awais Rashid. EA-Analyzer: Automating Conflict Detection in a Large Set of Textual Aspect-Oriented Requirements. Automated Software Engineering, Springer, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 111-135, March 2013. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Alberto Sardinha, Michael Benisch, Norman Sadeh, Ramprasad Ravichandran, Vedran Podobnik, Mihai Stan. The 2007 Procurement Challenge: A Competition to Evaluate Mixed Procurement Strategies. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 106-114, Mar. - Apr. 2009. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Michael Benisch, Alberto Sardinha, James Andrews, Ramprasad Ravichandran, Norman Sadeh. CMieux: Adaptive Strategies for Competitive Supply Chain Trading. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 78-90, Mar.-Apr. 2009. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Jinghai Rao, Alberto Sardinha, Norman Sadeh. A meta-control architecture for orchestrating policy enforcement across heterogeneous information sources. Journal of Web Semantics (ISSN: 1570-8268), Elsevier, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 40-56, Jan. 2009. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
Katia Rocha, Luciana Salles, Francisco A. Alcaraz Garcia, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, José Paulo Teixeira. Real Estate and Real Options – A Case Study. Emerging Markets Review (ISSN: 1566-0141), Elsevier, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 67-79, Mar. 2007. [Available Online] [Early Version] |
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ricardo Choren, Viviane Torres, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. A Combined Specification Language and Development Framework for Agent-based Application Engineering. Journal of Systems and Software (ISSN: 0164-1212), Elsevier, Vol. 79, Issue 11, pp. 1565-1577, Nov. 2006.[Available Online] [Early Version] |
Michael Benisch, Alberto Sardinha, James Andrews, Norman Sadeh. CMieux: Adaptive Strategies for Competitive Supply Chain Trading. ACM SIGecom Exchanges (ISSN: 1551-9031), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1–10, June 2006. [Available Online]
Alessandro F. Garcia, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Julio Leite, Ruy Milidiú, Jaelson Castro, Alexander Romanovsky, Martin Griss, Rogério de Lemos, Anna Perini.Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems: SELMAS 2003: workshop report ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes (ISSN: 0163-5948), Vol. 28, Num. 6, Nov. 2003.[Available Online]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Paula C. Ribeiro, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Ruy L. Milidiú. An Object-Oriented Framework for Building Software Agents. Journal of Object Technology (ISSN: 1660-1769), Vol. 2, Num. 1, pp. 85-97, Jan. - Feb. 2003. [Available Online]
Book Chapters
Alberto Sardinha, Ruzanna Chitchyan, João Araújo, Ana Moreira and Awais Rashid. Conflict Identification with EA-Analyzer. In: Moreira, A.; Chitchyan, R.; Araújo, J.; Rashid, A. (Eds.). Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering, ISBN 978-3-642-38639-8, Published by Springer, 2013. [Available Online] [Early Version]
Alberto Sardinha, Ruy Milidiú. Electronic Markets and Multiagent Systems. In: Karim Rezaul (Ed.). Strategic and Pragmatic E-Business: Implications for Future Business Practices, Chapter 3, pp. 56-71, Published by IGI Global, 2012. [Available Online] [Early Version]
James Andrews, Michael Benisch, Alberto Sardinha, Norman Sadeh. Using Information Gain to Analyze and Fine Tune the Performance of Supply Chain Trading Agents . Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 2008. (Extended version of the TADA'07 paper). [Springer] [Early Version]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Alessandro F. Garcia, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Ruy L. Milidiú. A Systematic Approach for Including Machine Learning in Multi-Agent Systems. In: Bresciani, P.; Giorgini, P.; Henderson-Sellers, B.; Low, G.; Winikoff, M. (Eds.). Agent-Oriented Information Systems II. Revised Selected Papers from 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop AOIS 2004. Published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, ISBN 35-4025-911-2, pp. 198-211, Vol. 3508, 2005.
Flavio Bevilacqua, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha. Estruturas dinâmicas de incentivos para grupos de consumo. In: Lucena, C.J.P.; Milidiú, R.L. (Eds.). Sistemas Multi-Agentes. Published by Papel Virtual Editora. ISBN 85-7493-155-1, July 2001.
João A.P. Magalhães, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha. A Critical Look Upon Agent UML. In: Lucena, C.J.P.; Milidiú, R.L. (Eds.). Sistemas Multi-Agentes. Published by Papel Virtual Editora. ISBN 85-7493-155-1, July 2001.
Conference & Workshop Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Fábio Vital, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Implicit Repair with Reinforcement Learning in Emergent Communication. The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025), Detroit, Michigan, USA, May 2025. (forthcoming)
Guilherme S. Varela, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Networked Agents in the Dark: Team Value Learning under Partial Observability. The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025), Detroit, Michigan, USA, May 2025. (forthcoming)
Guilherme S. Varela, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Distributed Value Decomposition Networks with Networked Agents. The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025), Detroit, Michigan, USA, May 2025. (forthcoming)
Ricardo Lopes, João Araújo, Denis Silva da Silveira, Alberto Sardinha. A Systematic Approach To Derive Conceptual Models from BPMN Models. The 14th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2024), Luxembourg, July 2024.
José Boaro, Polyana Costa, Daniel Moraes, Pedro Santos, João G. Ribeiro, Julio Cesar Duarte, Alberto Sardinha, and Sérgio Colcher. A Middleware Architecture for Enhancing Multimedia Flows with High-Level Semantic Information. The 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences Workshops (IMXw '24), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2024
Pedro P. Santos, Diogo S. Carvalho, Miguel Vasco, Alberto Sardinha, Pedro A. Santos, Ana Paiva, Francisco S. Melo. Centralized Training with Hybrid Execution in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. The 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024), Auckland, New Zealand, May 2024. [Online] [Download]
João G. Ribeiro, Gonçalo Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. TEAMSTER: Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Ad Hoc Teamwork (Abstract Reprint). 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024), Vancouver, Canada, February 2024. [Online] [Download]
João Ribeiro, Cassandro Martinho, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Making Friends in the Dark: Ad Hoc Teamwork Under Partial Observability. 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023), Kraków, Poland, September 2023. [Online] [Downlaod]
Luciana Barbosa, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Strategic investment and subsidies within an asymmetric duopoly under uncertainty. 26th Annual International Real Options Conference, Durham, United Kingdom, July 2023.
Luciana Barbosa, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Strategic investment and subsidies within an asymmetric duopoly under uncertainty. 12th Portuguese Financial Network Conference Madeira, Portugal, July 2023.
João Ribeiro, Cassandro Martinho, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Making Friends in the Dark: Ad Hoc Teamwork under Partial Observability. IJCAI Workshop on Ad Hoc Teamwork, Vienna, Austria, July 2022.
Luciana Barbosa, Cláudia Nunes, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Auctions and Real Options: Bidding for Feed-In Tariff. 29th Annual Global Finance Conference, Braga, Portugal, June 2022.
Luciana Barbosa, Cláudia Nunes, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Feed-In Tariffs In Renewable Energy Projects. 25th Annual International Real Options Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 2022.
Cláudia Magalhães, Alberto Sardinha, João Araújo. MARE: an Active Learning Approach for Requirements Classification. RE@Next! track of the 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Virtual, September 2021.[Online][Downlaod]
João G. Ribeiro, Miguel Faria, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Helping People On The Fly: Ad Hoc Teamwork for Human-Robot Teams. 20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual, September 2021.[Online] [Downlaod] [Best Paper Award]
Pedro M. Santos, João G. Ribeiro, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Ad Hoc Teamwork in the Presence of Non-Stationary Teammates. 20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual, September 2021.[Online] [Downlaod]
Vânia Mendonça, Luísa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha. One Arm to Rule Them All: Online Learning with Multi-armed Bandits for Low-resource Conversational Agents. 20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual, September 2021.[Online] [Downlaod]
Vânia Mendonça, Ricardo Rei, Luísa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha, Ana Lúcia Santos. Online Learning Meets Machine Translation Evaluation: Finding the Best Systems with the Least Human Effort. 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2021), Virtual, August 2021.[Online] [Downlaod]
Guilherme Varela, Pedro Santos, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco Melo. A Methodology for the Development of RL-Based Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers. AAAI Workshop on AI for Urban Mobility (AI4UM), Virtual, February 2021.[Downlaod]
Vânia Mendonca, Alberto Sardinha, Luísa Coheur, Ana Lúcia Santos. Query Strategies, Assemble! Active Learning with Expert Advice for Low-resource Natural Language Processing. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2020), Glasgow, UK, July 2020.[Online] [Downlaod]
Luciana Barbosa, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Investment Timing and Social Welfare under Feed-in Tariff Contract Schemes. 29th European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Conference, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
Eugénio Ribeiro, Vânia Mendonça, Ricardo Ribeiro, David Martins Matos, Alberto Sardinha, Ana Lúcia Santos, Luísa Coheur. L2F/INESC-ID at SemEval-2019 Task 2: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Frame Induction using Contextualized Word Representations. 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2019), May 2019.[Online] [Downlaod]
Jhielson M. Pimentel, Carla Guerra, Pedro Sequeira, Andre Mateus, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco Melo, Pedro U. Lima. Interactive Consoles for Adjustable Autonomy in Assistive Robots: a Case Study with ASD Children. IROS'2018 Workshop - Robots for Assisted Living, Madrid, Spain, October 2018. [Available Online]
Luciana Barbosa, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Feed-in Tariff Contract Schemes in Oligopoly. 10th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2018.
Carla Boura Costa, Catarina Alexandra Pereira Cepeda, Alberto Sardinha, Ana Moura Santos. NAPP: comunicar melhor num programa de mentorado. 5o. Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (CNaPPES.18), Braga, Portugal, July 2018. [Abstract Available Online]
Luciana Barbosa, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Feed-in Tariff Contract Schemes in Oligopoly. The 22nd Annual International Real Options Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2018. [Available Online]
Pedro Veiga, Alberto Sardinha, Ana Moura Santos, Carla Boura. NAPP: Connecting Mentors and Students at Técnico Lisboa. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2017), Tallinn, Estonia, September 2017. [Available Online] [Early Version]
Vânia Mendonça, Francisco S. Melo, Luísa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha. Online Learning for Conversational Agents. 18th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2017), Porto, Portugal, September 2017. [Available Online] [Early Version]
Carla Costa, Pedro Veiga, Ana Moura Santos, Alberto Sardinha. Napp - desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel no âmbito do programa sucesso escolar. 4o. Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (CNaPPES.17), Setúbal, Portugal, July 2017. [Abstract Available Online]
Vânia Mendonça, Francisco Melo, Luísa Coheur and Alberto Sardinha. A Conversational Agent Powered by Online Learning. 2017 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2017), São Paulo, Brazil, May 2017. [Available Online] [Early Version]
Vânia Mendonça, Cláudia Filipe, Luísa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha. VITHEA-Kids: Improving the Linguistic Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 12th International Conference on the Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (PROPOR 2016), Tomar, Portugal, July 2016. [Avaliable Online]
Luciana Barbosa, Paulo Ferrão, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Analysis of Renewable Energy Policy: Feed-in Tariffs with Minimum Price Guarantees. 6th MIT Portugal Program Conference, Braga, Portugal, June 2016.
Francisco Melo, Alberto Sardinha. Ad Hoc Teamwork by Learning Teammates' Task. 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2016), Singapore, May 2016. [Available Online]
Vânia Mendonça, Annamaria Pompili, Alberto Sardinha, Luísa Coheur. VITHEA-Kids: Adapting The VITHEA Platform To Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. VI Workshop on Linguistics, Language Development and Impairment. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, February 2016.
Vânia Mendonça, Luísa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha. VITHEA-Kids: A Platform for Improving Language Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2015. [pp046-mendonca.pdf]
Luciana Barbosa, Alberto Sardinha, Monika Tarsalewska, Paulo Ferrão, Artur Rodrigues. An equilibrium analysis of feed-in tariff remunerations. 5th MIT Portugal Program Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2015.
Luciana Barbosa, Alberto Sardinha, Monika Tarsalewska, Paulo Ferrão, Artur Rodrigues. Managerial Flexibilities and Competition in Renewable Energy Investment. 4th MIT Portugal Program Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2014.
Luciana Salles Barbosa, Monika Tarsalewska, Alberto Sardinha. An equilibrium analysis of feed-in tariff remuneration: market-dependent and market independent models. Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Eco-innovations, Warsaw, Poland, Nov. 2013.
Luciana Barbosa, Alberto Sardinha. Deploying a Renewable Energy Project: An Equilibrium Analysis. 1st International Conference on Energy & Environment, Porto, Portugal, May 2013. [barbosaICEE13.pdf]
Luciana Salles Barbosa, Monika Tarsalewska, Alberto Sardinha. Managerial Flexibilities and Competition in Shopping Center Investment. Real Options Approach to Real Estate. 4th ReCapNet Conference: Real Estate Markets and Capital Markets, Mannheim, Germany, 2012. [ShoppingCenterProject.pdf]
Francisco Melo, Alberto Sardinha, Stefan Witwicki, Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo, Matthijs T. J. Spaan. Decentralized Multiagent Planning for Balance Control in Smart Grids. International Workshop on Information Technology for Energy Applications (IT4ENERGY 2012), Lisbon, Portugal, 2012. [abacus.pdf]
Alberto Sardinha, Nan Niu, Yijun Yu, Awais Rashid. EA-Tracer: Identifying Traceability Links between Code Aspects and Early Aspects. ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2012. [SAC2012.pdf] (acceptance rate = 25.8%)
Alberto Sardinha, João Araújo, Ana Moreira, Awais Rashid. Conflict Management in Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering. Presented in the 2010 Workshop on Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design (Early Aspects @ AOSD 2010) and published in Information Sciences and Technologies of the ACM Slovakia 2 (1), pp 56-59, 2010.
Alberto Sardinha, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Nathan Weston, Phil Greenwood, Awais Rashid. EA-Analyzer: Automating Conflict Detection in Aspect-Oriented Requirements. 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’2009), Auckland, New Zealand. November 16-20, 2009. [ASE2009.pdf] (acceptance rate = 38+33/222 = 32%)
Alberto Sardinha, Michael Benisch, Norman Sadeh, Ramprasad Ravichandran, Vedran Podobnik, Mihai Stan. The 2007 Procurement Challenge: A Competition to Evaluate Mixed Procurement Strategies. AAAI-08 Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA'08), Chicago, USA, July 2008. [SardinhaTADA08.pdf]
James Andrews, Michael Benisch, Alberto Sardinha, Norman Sadeh. What Differentiates a Winning Agent: An Information Gain Based Analysis of TAC-SCM. AAAI-07 Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA'07), Vancouver, Canada, July 2007.[andrews07_tada.pdf]
Alberto Sardinha, Jinghai Rao, Norman Sadeh. Enforcing Context-Sensitive Policies in Collaborative Business Environments. First International Workshop on Security Technologies for Next Generation Collaborative Business Applications at ICDE'07, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2007. [SECOBAP_Sardinha.pdf]
Michael Benisch, Alberto Sardinha, James Andrews, Norman Sadeh. CMieux: Adaptive Strategies for Competitive Supply Chains. The Eighth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, August 14-16, 2006. [cmieux-icec06.pdf]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Marco S. Molinaro, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro M. Cunha, Ruy L. Milidiú and Carlos J. P. Lucena. A Multi-Agent Architecture for a Dynamic Supply Chain Management. The 19th International Florida AI Research Society Conference, Melbourne Beach, Florida, USA, May 11-13, 2006. [FLAIRS06-032.pdf]
Luciana Salles, Katia Rocha, Francisco Alcaraz, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, José Paulo Teixeira. Real Estate Investments: Risk Management and Real Option. 9th International Managerial Real Options Conference, Paris, France, June 22-23, 2005. [Real_Estate_Rio_English.pdf]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro M. Cunha, Carlos J. P. Lucena. An Agent Based Architecture for Highly Competitive Electronic Markets. The 18th International Florida AI Research Society Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, May 16-18, 2005. [Flairs05SardinhaJ.pdf] (Nominated for best paper award)
Alessandro F. Garcia, Uirá Kulesza, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. The Learning Aspect Pattern. The 11th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP2004), Allterton Park, Monticello, Illinios, USA, September 8 - 12, 2004. [garcia_learning_aspect.pdf]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Alessandro F. Garcia, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. The Agent Learning Pattern. Fourth Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming, SugarLoafPLoP'04, Fortaleza, Brazil, August 2004.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Alessandro F. Garcia, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Ruy L. Milidiú. On the Incorporation of Learning in Open Multi-Agent Systems: A Systematic Approach. Sixth International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent Oriented Information Systems(AOIS-2004) at CAiSE 2004, Riga, Latvia, Jun 2004.
Carlos J. P. Lucena, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Alessandro F. Garcia, Jaelson Castro, Alexander Romanovsky, Paulo Alencar & Donald Cowan. Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS 2003. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2003), Portland, USA, May 2003.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Patrick M. Paranhos. An OO Framework for building Intelligence and Learning properties in Software Agents. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS 2003) at ICSE 2003, Portland, USA, May 2003.
Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha. An object-oriented framework for creating offerings. Workshop on Product Line Architectures for E-Commerce at 2001 International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'2001). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Volume 1. June 2001.
Alberto Sardinha, Awais Rashid, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Nathan Weston, Phil Greenwood.EA-Analyzer: A Tool for Identifying Conflicting Dependencies in Requirements Documents. In Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Early Aspects (EA '09), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, March 2009.
Technical Reports
Pedro P. Santos, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. The Number of Trials Matters in Infinite-Horizon General-Utility Markov Decision Processes. arXiv:2409.15128, September 2024. [Available Online]
João G. Ribeiro, Cassandro Martinho, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Making Friends in the Dark: Ad Hoc Teamwork Under Partial Observability. arXiv:2310.01439, October 2023. [Available Online]
Gonçalo Querido, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Learning to Perceive in Deep Model-Free Reinforcement Learning. arXiv:2301.03730, January 2023. [Available Online]
Pedro P. Santos, Diogo S. Carvalho, Miguel Vasco, Alberto Sardinha, Pedro A. Santos, Ana Paiva, Francisco S. Melo. Centralized Training with Hybrid Execution in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. arXiv:2210.06274, October 2022. [Available Online]
Alexandre Neves, Alberto Sardinha. Learning to Cooperate with Completely Unknown Teammates. arXiv:2205.03289, May 2022. [Available Online]
Fábio Vital, Miguel Vasco, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco Melo. Perceive, Represent, Generate: Translating Multimodal Information to Robotic Motion Trajectories. arXiv:2204.03051, April 2022. [Available Online]
Vânia Mendonça, Ricardo Rei, Luisa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha. Onception: Active Learning with Expert Advice for Real World Machine Translation. arXiv:2203.04507, March 2022. [Available Online]
João G. Ribeiro, Cassandro Martinho, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. Assisting Unknown Teammates in Unknown Tasks: Ad Hoc Teamwork under Partial Observability. arXiv:2201.03538, January 2022. [Available Online]
João G. Ribeiro, Luis Müller Henriques, Sérgio Colcher, Julio Cesar Duarte, Francisco S. Melo, Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Alberto Sardinha. HOTSPOT: An Ad Hoc Teamwork Platform for Mixed Human-Robot Teams. techrxiv.17026013.v1, November 2021. [Available Online]
Pedro P. Santos, Francisco S. Melo, Alberto Sardinha, Diogo S. Carvalho. Understanding the Impact of Data Distribution on Q-learning with Function Approximation. arXiv:2111.11758, November 2021. [Available Online]
Vânia Mendonça, Ricardo Rei, Luisa Coheur, Alberto Sardinha, Ana Lúcia Santos. Online Learning Meets Machine Translation Evaluation: Finding the Best Systems with the Least Human Effort. arXiv:2105.13385, May 2021. [Available Online]
Guilherme S. Varela, Pedro P. Santos, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo. A Methodology for the Development of RL-Based Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers. arXiv:2101.09614, January 2021. [Available Online]
Luciana Barbosa, Cláudia Nunes, Artur Rodrigues, Alberto Sardinha. Feed-in Tariff Contract Schemes and Regulatory Uncertainty. arXiv:2002.02107, February 2020. [Available Online]
Alberto Sardinha, Michael Benisch, Ramprasad Ravichandran, Norman Sadeh. The 2008 Supply Chain Trading Agent Competition - Procurement Challenge. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Technical Report CMU-ISR-08-101, January 2008.
Alberto Sardinha, Michael Benisch, Norman Sadeh, Ramprasad Ravichandran, Vedran Podobnik, Mihai Stan. The 2007 Procurement Challenge: A Competition to Evaluate Mixed Procurement Strategies. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Technical Report CMU-ISRI-07-123, November 2007.
Alberto Sardinha, Michael Benisch, James Andrews, Norman Sadeh. The 2007 Supply Chain Trading Agent Competition - Procurement Challenge. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Technical Report CMU-ISRI-07-106, April 2007.
Michael Benisch, Alberto Sardinha, James Andrews, Norman Sadeh. CMieux 2005: Design and Analysis of Carnegie Mellon Univeresity's Entry in the Supply Chain Trading Agent Competition. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Technical Report CMU-ISRI-06-104, April 2006.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Marco S. Molinaro, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro M. Cunha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. A Multi-Agent Architecture for a Dynamic Supply Chain Management. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC36/05, November 2005.
Carolina Felicíssimo, Jose Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Carlos J. P. Lucena. Sweetening Regulated Open Multi-Agent Systems with Support for Agents to Reason about Laws. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC32/05, November 2005.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ricardo Choren, Viviane Torres, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. A Combined Specification Language and Development Framework for Agent-based Application Engineering. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC05/05, February 2005.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro Cunha. An Agent Based Architecture for Highly Competitive Electronic Markets. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC37/04, October 2004.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Patrick M. Paranhos. A Methodology for Building Trading Agents in Electronic Markets. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC36/04, October 2004.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ricardo Choren, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. Engineering Machine Learning Techniques into Multi-Agent Systems. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC12/04, May 2004.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Alessandro F. Garcia, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Ruy L. Milidiú. On the Incorporation of Learning in Open Multi-Agent Systems: A Systematic Approach. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC07/04, April 2004.
Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Paula C. Ribeiro. An Object-Oriented Framework for Building Software Agents. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC06/02, April 2002.
Michael Benisch, James Andrews, Alberto Sardinha, Norman Sadeh. CMieux: Carnegie Mellon Univeresity's Supply Chain Trading Agent. Poster Session at Trading Agent Competition 2006, Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'06), Hakodate, Japan, May 2006.
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro M. Cunha, Marco S. Molinaro, Helena Milidiú, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. LearnAgents 2005 - A multi-agent system for the TAC Classic. Poster Session at Trading Agent Competition 2005, Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2005. [Available Online]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro M. Cunha, Marco S. Molinaro, Helena Milidiú, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena. LearnAgentsSCM - A multi-agent system for the TAC Supply Chain Management. Poster Session at Trading Agent Competition 2005, Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2005. [Available Online]
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy L. Milidiú, Carlos J. P. Lucena, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro Cunha. LearnAgents - A multi-agent system for the TAC Classic. Poster Session at AAMAS'2004 - Trading Agent Competition, New York, NY, July 2004. [Available Online]
Master's Thesis
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha. VGroups: Um Framework para Grupos Virtuais de Consumo. Master's Thesis, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio, 2001. []
PhD Dissertation
José Alberto R. P. Sardinha. MAS-School e ASYNC: Um Método e um Framework para Construção de Agentes Inteligentes. Doctoral Dissertation, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio, 2005. []