"Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Average-Case Tree Searching Problem"
Joint work with F. Cicalese, T. Jacobs
and M. Molinaro
Algorithmica 68(4),
1045-1074 (2014)
"Approximating the maximum consecutive subsums of a sequence"
Joint work with F. Cicalese, O. Weimann
and R. Yuster
Theoretical Computer Science 525,
"The Binary Identification Problem for
Wighted Trees"
Joint work with F. Cicalese, T. Jacobs
and C. Valentim
Theoretical Computer Science 459,
100-112 (2012)
"On the competitive ratio of evaluating
priced functions"
Joint work with F. Cicalese
Journal of ACM 58(3), 9, 2011
"An Approximation Algorithm for Binary Searching
in Trees"
Joint work with M. Molinaro
Algorithmica 59(4), 601-620(2011)
"Competitive Boolean Function Evaluation:
Beyond Monotonicity, and the Symmetric Case"
Joint work with T. Gagie, F. Cicalese and
M. Milanic
Discrete and Applied
Math 59(11)
Approximations for the Hotlink Assignment Problem"
Joint work with M. Molinaro
ACM Transactions on
Algorithms 7(3)
"A Randomized Competitive Algorithm for
Evaluating Priced AND/OR Trees"
Theoretical Computer Science 2008
"Reducing human interactions in Web
directory searches"
Joint work with O. Gerstel, S. Kutten, R.
Matichin, D. Peleg, A. Pessoa, C. Souza:
ACM Transactions on Information Systems 25(4),
"A Note on the Size of Minimal Covers"
Joint work with L. Nogueira, E. Haeusler, V.
Information Processing Letters 102, 2007
"Query Priced Information in Databases: The
conjunctive case"
Joint work with T. Feder, R. Motwani, Y.
Kohayakawa, R. Carmo, R. Panigrahy, L. Callaghan and D. Thomas
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(1), 2007
"On the Hardness of the Minimum Height Decision
Tree Problem"
Joint work with L. Nogueira
Discrete Applied Mathematics 144, pp 209-212,
"Searching in Random Partially Ordered Sets"
Joint work with Y. Kohayakawa, R. Carmo and J. Donadelli
Theoretical Computer Science 321(1), 41-57,
"The Complexity of makespan minimization for
pipeline transportation"
Joint work with R. Milidiu and A. Pessoa
Theoretical Computer Science, 306, Issue 1-3,
2003, pp 339-351
"Improved bounds for asymmetric communication protocols"
Joint work with Leonardo Holanda
Information Processing Letters 83(4), pp 205-209
A note on multicolor bipartite Ramsey numbers for K_{2,n}"
Joint work with Emerson M. Carmelo
Ars Combinatoria 69, 2003.
On Binary Searching with Non-uniform Costs"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Siam Journal on Computing 31(4), pp 1022-1047
"Strategies for Searching with Non Uniform Costs"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Theoretical Computer Science, 287, Issue 2,
"Three Space-Economical Algorithms for
Calculating Minimum Redundancy Prefix Codes"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume
47, Number 6, pp 2185-2199
"Improved Bounds on the Ineficiency of Length Restricted Codes"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú
Algorithmica, Volume 31 - Number 4, 2001, pp
"The Warm-up Algorithm: A Lagrangean Construction of Length
Restricted Huffman Codes"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú
Siam Journal on Computing 30 vol 5, pp
"Improved Analysis of the FGK Algorithm"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Journal of Algorithms 28, August, 1999.
" Speeding up Word Mover's Distance and its variants via properties of distances between embeddings."
Joint work with M. Werner
ECAI 2020
"Teaching with Limited Information on the Learner's Behaviour ."
Joint work with F. Cicalese and S. Filho and M. Molinaro
ICML 2020
"New results on information theoretic clustering. ."
Joint work with F. Cicalese and L. Murtinho
ICML 2019
"Minimization of Gini Impurity: NP-completeness and Approximation Algorithm via Connections with the k-means Problem."
Joint work L. Murtinho
Proceedings of
LAGOS 2019
"Binary Partitions with Approximate Minimum Impurity ."
Joint work with M. Molinaro and F. de A. M. Pereira
ICML 2018
"On Compression Techniques for Computing Convolutions ."
Joint work with P. Nuno and L. Pavanelli
Proceedings of
DCC 2016
"Trading off Worst and Expected Cost in Decision Tree Problems ."
Joint work with F. Cicalese and A. Saettler
Proceedings of
ISAAC 2015
"Diagnosis determination: decision trees optimizing simultaneously worst and expected testing cost. ."
Joint work with F. Cicalese and A. Saettler
ICML 2014
"On lower bounds for the Maximum Consecutive Subsums Problem and the (min, +)-convolution."
Joint work with F. Cicalese and W. Bardalles
Proceedings of
ISIT 2014
"Indexes for Jumbled Pattern Matching in Strings, Trees and Graphs"
Joint work with F. Cicalese, T. Gagie, E. Giaquinta, Z. Liptak, R. Rizzi, A. Tomescu
Proceedings of
SPIRE 2013
"Near Linear Time Construction of an
Approximate Index for All Maximum Consecutive Sub-sums of a
Joint work with F. Cicalese, O. Weimann and R. Yuster
Proceedings of
Combinatorial Pattern Matching 2012
"An efficient language-independent method to
extract content from news webpages"
Joint work with E. Cardoso, Iam Jabour, R. Rodrigues and Pedro
Proceedings of
ACM Simposium on Document Engineering 2011
Binary Identification Problems for Weighted
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese, Caio Valentim and Tobias
Proceedings of
WADS 2011
On Greedy Algorithms for Decision Trees
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese, Marco Molinaro and Tobias
Proceedings of
ISAAC 2010
On the complexity of searching in tree: the
averae case minimization
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese, Marco Molinaro and Tobias
Proceedings of
ICALP 2010
A fast and simple method for extracting
relevant content from news webpages
Joint work with C. Souza, I. Jabour, E. Amorim, R.
Renteria, L. Tinoco, C. Valentim, CIKM 2010
Function Evaluation via Linear Programming in
the Priced Information Model
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese
Proceedings of
ICALP 2008
(Acceptance Ratio 70/ 269
An Approximation Algorithm for Binary
Searching in Trees
Joint work with Marco Molinaro
Proceedings of
ICALP 2008
(Acceptance Ratio 70/ 269
A Polite Policy for Revisiting Web Pages
Joint work C. Souza and E. Cardoso and C. Valentim
Proceedings of
LA-Web 2007
On Behalf
the Seller and Society: a Bicriteria Mechanism for Unit Demnd
Combinatorial Auctions
Joint work Claudson Bornstein and Marcelo Mas
Proceedings of LATIN 2006
(Acceptance Ratio 66 / 224 )
On the Competitive Ratio of Evaluating Priced Functions
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese
Proceedings of SODA 2006 (Acceptance Ratio 135 / 432 )
An Optimal Algorithm for Querying Priced Information: Monotone
Boolean Functions and Game Trees
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese
Proceedings of ESA 2005 (Acceptance Ratio 55/185)
A New Strategy for Qurying Priced Information
Joint work with Ferdinando Cicalese
Proceedings of ACM STOC 2005 (Acceptance Ratio 84/289)
Efficient Algorithms for the Hotlink Assignment Problem: the
worst case search
Joint work with Criston Souza and Artur Pessoa
Proceedings of ISAAC 2004
Querying Priced Information in Databases: the Conjuntive Case
Eduardo S. Laber, Renato Carmo and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Proceedings of LATIN 2004
(Acceptance Ratio 59/178,
Full paper in ACM TALG)
A Randomized Competitive Algorithm for Evaluating Priced AND/OR
Eduardo Sany Laber
Proceedings of STACS 2004 (Full paper in
Theoretical Coomputer Science)
Efficient Implementation of a Hotlink Assignment
Algorithm for Web Sites
Joint Work with Artur Pessoa and Criston
Proceedings of ALENEX 2004
Cherry Picking: A Semantic Query Processing
Strategy for the Evaluation of Expensive Predicates
Fabio Porto, Eduardo Sany Laber, Patrick
Proceedings of SBBD 2003
Complexity of Makespan Minimization for
Pipeline Transportation of Petroleum Products
R. L. Milidiu and A. Pessoa and E. Laber
Proceedings of APPROX 2002.
Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2462
"Randomized Approximation Algorithms for
Query Optimization Problems on Two Processors"
Joint work with O. Parekh and R. Ravi
Proceedings of ESA 2002.
Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2461
"Pipeline Transportation of Petroleum
Products with no Due Dates"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of LATIN 2002.
Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2286
(Acceptance Ratio 44/107)
"Searching in Random Partially Ordered Sets "
Joint work with Renato Carmo, Jair Donadelli
and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Proceedings of LATIN 2002.
Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2286
Full paper in Theoretical Computer Science
"On the Hardness of the Minimum Height Decision Tree Problem"
Joint work with Loana Nogueira
Full paper in Discrete and Applied Math.
"On asymmetric communication protocols"
Joint work with Leonardo Holanda
Proceedings of Graco 2001
Full Paper in Information Processing Letter
"Fast Searching on Trees"
Joint work with Loana Tito Nogueira
Proceedings of Graco 2001
"On Binary Search with non Uniform Costs"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiu and Artur Alves
Proceedings of ACM-SIAM SODA 2001
Full paper in Siam Journal on Computing
Time Recogintion of Optimal L-Restricted Codes"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú
Proceedings of
LATIN 2000
Lecture Notes in Computer Science:
"Practical Constructions of L-Restricted Alphabetic Prefix
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the
Strategies for Searching with Different
Access Costs"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the European Symposium on
Algorithms (ESA99)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1623.
Fulll paper in Theoretical Computer Science
"Two Space-Economical Algorithms for
Calculating Minimum Redundancy Prefix Codes"(abstract)
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the
Full Paper in IEEE Transactions on Information
"A Work Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Constructing Huffman
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the
"Efficient Implementation of the WARM-UP Algorithm for the
Construction of Length-Restricted Prefix Codes"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1623.
Length-Restricted Prefix Coding"
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the
"Practical Use of the WARM-UP Algorithm on Length-Restricted
Joint work with Ruy L. Milidiú and Artur A.
Proceedings of the