Esta página em Português.

Guides and Suggestions for graduate students (in Portuguese)

Pictures of the research group: (2004) * (2005) * (2006) * (2007) * (2010)

Doctoral Theses

Master Theses

Supervision of Undergraduate Projects

Supervised PhD Theses

  1. Francisco José da Silva e Silva: Dynamic Adaptation of Distributed Systems,
    IME/USP, February 21st, 2003.
    Co-supervisor: Prof. Fabio Kon (IME/USP)

  2. Vera Nagamuta: A Framework for the Composition, Testing and Simulation of Protocols for Seamless Handover,
    IME/USP, April 20th, 2006.
    Co-Supervisor: Prof. Siang W. Song (IME-USP)

  3. Vagner José do Sacramento Rodrigues: Privacy Management for Context-aware Applications in Mobile Networks, (PDF in Portuguese)
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, September 15th, 2006.
    Co-Supervisor: Prof. Clarisse S. de Souza (PUC-Rio)

  4. Luciana dos Santos Lima: A Protocol for Discovery and Selection of Resources in Ad Hoc Mobile Grids, (PDF in Portuguese)
    , Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, June 15th, 2007.
    Co-Supervisors: Prof. Luis Fernando Gomes Soares, Artur Ziviani, Antonio Tadeu Gomes

  5. Hana Karina S. Rubinsztejn: Support for Context-aware Content Adaptation for Mobile Devices in Publish/Subscribe Systems, (PDF in Portuguese)
    , Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, September 14th, 2007.

  6. Ricardo Couto Antunes da Rocha: Context Management for Distributed and Dynamic Context-Aware Computing (PDF),
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, February 6th, 2009. (Abstract)

  7. Helcio Bezerra de Mello: Proposals of Routing Protocols for VANETs in Urban Environments, (PDF in Portuguese)
    (, Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, January 28th, 2009.

  8. Jose Viterbo Filho: Decentralized Reasoning in Ambient Intelligence, (PDF)
    (, Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, September, 2009.

  9. Lincoln David Nery e Silva: A Scalable Middleware for Structured Data Provision and Dissemination in Distributed Mobile Systems,
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, May 2014.

  10. Marcos Paulino Roriz Junior: DG2CEP: An On-line Algorithm for Real-time Detection of Spatial Clusters from Large Data Streams through Complex Event Processing,
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, March 2017.

  11. Igor Oliveira Vasconcelos: Online and mobile detection of outliers in multiple data streams: An approach for detection of unsafe driving based on Complex Event Processing
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, 31 de March 2017.

  12. Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos: An Efficient Approach for Coordinated Reconfiguration in Distributed Data Stream Processing Systems,
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, 07 de Abril de 2017.

  13. Bruno Jose Olivieri de Souza: Flight Coordination Approaches of UAV Squads for WSN Data Collection, (PDF),
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, 21 de Marco de 2019.

  14. Alexandre Malheiros Meslin: Computing here, there, and everywhere: investigating layered processing in a smart city middleware (PDF),
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, Abril de 2021.
    As co-supervisor with Noemi Rodriguez

  15. Vitor Pinheiro de Almeida: DSCEP: An Infrastrucure for Decentralised Semantic Complex Event Processing,
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, Setembro de 2021.

  16. Felipe Oliveira Carvalho: ObsAct: A Reactive Programming Abstraction for the Internet of Mobile Things,
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, Outubro de 2021.

  17. Antonio Iyda Paganelli: A novel self-adaptive approach for optimising the use of IoT devices in patient monitoring using EWS (PFD)
    Departamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, Marco de 2023.

Supervised Master Theses

  1. Sergio Ricado da Conceição, A Message Tracking Protocol for Asynchronous Checkpointing,
    IME-USP, September 1997

  2. Perry James, Formal Specification and Test of a Group Communication Protocol,
    IME-USP, October 1997 (Abstract)
    Co-supervisor: Prof. Marie-Claude Gaudel (LRI/France)
    The full LOTOS Specification of the Two-Phase-Commit Protocol

  3. Douglas Moreto,, Monitoring Composite Events in Distributed Systems
    , IME-USP, September 1998 (Abstract)

  4. Vera Nagamuta,, Coordination of Mobile Agents through the Broadcast Channel,
    IME-USP, November 1999 (Abstract)

  5. Marcos Alves,, Transparent Partitioning of Distributed Virual Environments
    IME-USP, April 2000,(Abstract)

  6. Marcos A.M. de Moura, , Juggler: An Infrastructure for the Management of Fault-tolerant CORBA Applications
    , IME-USP, February 2001, (Abstract)

  7. Ricardo Couto A. da Rocha,, An Architecture for Flexible Simulation of Protocols for Mobile Computing
    , IME-USP, May 2001

  8. Mateus de Freitas,, Development and Comparison of Two Protocols for Atomic Multicast in Mobile Computing,
    IME-USP, August 2002

  9. Alexandre Mele,, A Framework for the simulation of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
    PUC-Rio, December 2002

  10. Marcelo Brito,, OGS/R: An Object Group Service with Relaxed Consistency
    IME-USP, August 2003

  11. Kleder Gonçalves,, A Framework for Location-based Communication
    , PUC-Rio, April 2005.

  12. Rodrigo Prestes Machado, , A Matchmaking Service for Location-based Interests, PUC-Rio, May 2005.
    Co-Supervision: Prof. Carlos J. Lucena

  13. Fernando Ney da Costa Nascimento, A Service for Location Inference of Mobile Devices based on IEEE 802.11,

    PUC-Rio, agosto 2005. (Abstract)

  14. Antonio Carlos Theophilo Costa Junior, Solutions for CORBA Firewall/NAT Traversal
    PUC-Rio, 16 de agosto de 2005
    Co-supervisor: Prof. Renato Cerqueira

  15. Marcelo A.G.Malcher, A Middleware and an Application for Context-aware, Collaborative Presentation Sharing on Handhelds,
    PUC-Rio, 24 de agosto de 2007

  16. Jordan Janeiro, A protocol for context-aware and coordinated adaptation of communication services in groups of mobile devices.
    (, PUC-Rio, maio de 2008

  17. Gustavo Luiz Bastos Baptista,, Mobility Management and Disconnection Handling using SIP,
    (, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, February 2009

  18. Hubert Aureo Fonseca, A component middleware for dynamic adaptation on the Android platform,
    (, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, August 2009.

  19. Allan Valeriano, A component selection mechanism for middleware Kaluana using the concept of reconfiguration contracts,
    , Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, April de 2011.

  20. Victor Pantoja, A Framework for Integration of Mobile Applications and Social Networks,
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, August 2012.

  21. Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos, A Dynamic Load Balancing Mechanism for Data Stream Processing on DDS Systems,
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, January 2013.

  22. Vitor Pinheiro de Almeida, Patient-Buddy-Build: Customized Mobile Monitoring for Patients with Chronic Diseases,
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, October 2013.

  23. Bruno Olivieri, Internet-based Movement Coordination of Aerial Robots
    , Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, December 2014.

  24. Andre Victor Gomes Mac Dowell, An API for Mobile Exergames with on micro-location events based on BLE fingerprinting
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, February 2016.

  25. Luis Eduardo Talavera Rios, An Energy-aware IoT Gateway, with Continuous Processing of Sensor Data,
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, March 2016.

  26. Felipe Oliveira Carvalho, Descoberta Contínua de Serviços em IoT,
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, Abril 2017.

  27. Luiz Guilherme de Oliveira Pitta, Uma abordagem para o problema de conectividade em plataformas multilaterais de IoT
    Dissertação de Mestrado, Deptartamento de Informatica, PUC-Rio, March 2018.

  28. Ruhan dos Reis Monteiro, A Real-Time Reasoning Service for the Internet of Things,
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, September 2018.

  29. Pedro Igor P. Sampaio, A study on pervasive games based on the Internet of Mobile Things
    (Main advisor: Bruno Feijó, Co-advisor: Markus Endler), Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, October 2018.

  30. Adrian Concepcion Leon,Secure Distributed Ledgers to support IoT technologies data, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, October 2018.

  31. Sheriton Valim, A middleware Service for Generic and Remote Actuation in the Internet of Mobile Things, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, September 2019.

  32. Marcelo Paulon Juca Vasconcelos, Opportunistic routing towards mobile sink nodes in Bluetooth Mesh networks, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, March 2021.

  33. Fernando Benedito Magalhaes, ( Distributed CEP for Context-Aware Adaptive Acquirement and Processing of Information
    Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, April 2021.

  34. Camila Wanous, ContextNet Kafka Core,Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, May 2021.

  35. Pedro Magalhaes (pfsmagalhaes_at_gmail),, Uma biblioteca para testes deterministicos em sistemas distribuídos com comunicação assíncrona, , (co-advisor: Noemi Rodriguez) Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, May 2023.

  36. Gabriel Brito Cantergiani, EdgeSec - A Security Framework for middleware and Edge devices in the Internet of Things (IoT),
    (co-advisor: Anderson Oliveira) , Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, August 2023.

  37. Matheus Leal ARTIIMoR: Available, Reliable, Transparent, Immutable, and Irrevocable service for Mobility Records
    (co-advisor: Flavia Pisani) , Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, August 2023

  38. Gabriel de Araujo Carvalho, Assessing the Benefits of MLOps for Supervised Online Machine Learning, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, October 2023.

Ongoing Master Theses

Ongoing PhD Theses