Graduate-level courses
Distributed Algorithms
Yearly, 1st semester
Introduction to Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Yearly, 2nd semester
Graduate Seminars of the Grupo de Sistemas Distribuídos
Every semester
Trabalho Individual
Every semester
Design, Construction and Use of a SmartLab
Yearly, 1st semester
Undergraduate-level courses
INF1300: Desenvolvimento Agil de Aplicativos Moveis Multi-plataforma
INF1316: Sistemas Operacionais
Since 2009, until 2019.2
INF1389: Estruturas de Dados II
During 2001 - 2003
INF 1612: Software Básico
(Material adicional)
During 2006 - 2009
INF 1804: Programação para a Plataforma Android
During 2010 - 2012